Illustration of a stream flowing through a green landscape with trees on the horizon, bordered by dark tree trunks
Logo for Bad Witch Studio featuring a hand holding a pen within a triangle outline.

A multi-passionate creator driven by nature, magic, and curiosity.

Woman in a long skirt standing on a large pipe in a forested area.

My name is

Bonnie Sue.

I am a visual artist and witchy woman based in Chattanooga, TN who is constantly inspired by nature, magic, and the divine feminine. Blending these ingredients to create a practice that is intuitive and experimental. My work represents the whimsical and beautiful nature of growth, self love, and gratitude. My art comes from the soul, putting out what she wishes to see in the world, in hopes that someone else may see themselves reflected back.

Custom Work

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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